The Enrolled Student Survey was developed at SPC as one component of a college-wide assessment system to ensure the delivery of quality academic and student support services. The specific purposes of this annual survey are to ascertain how our enrolled students perceive the College’s academic and student support services.

The primary purpose of the Entering Student Survey is to develop a demographic profile of the students entering the College, discover what factors influence their decision to apply to the College, discern how they learned about the College, and measure their perception of the importance of various academic, student support services and tutoring areas provided to them by the College.

The Graduating Student Survey is part of a comprehensive college-wide assessment program developed to examine the demographic profile of the responding graduates, assess their perceptions of the educational experience at the College, and determine how the educational process at the College has changed their behavior and/or their knowledge as it relates to some specific areas of inquiry (educational outcomes).

The Student Survey of Instruction (SSI) is administered during each semester and is delivered through a widget which will automatically appear in the course at the beginning of the survey period.  The SSI contains eight questions and a comment field, which provides students the opportunity to assess each of their courses.

The Recent Alumni Survey was designed to collect information related to career preparation, preparation for continuing education, and the current employment information and educational status of SPC’s recent graduates.

The Employer Survey was designed to gain insight into an employer’s perceptions of the quality of hired SPC graduates and identify the employer’s willingness to support various college activities such as student training or placement.

Recent Alumni Survey Respondents ContestOfficial Contest Rules


IE is responsible for ensuring the quality and value of academic programs, student support services, and administrative units, collaborating with the provost, deans, faculty, and administrators to identify and conduct assessments in various areas.



SPC is an accredited institution with many degree programs additionally accredited or approved by state and national organizations specific to those fields of study.

student speaking about project


Various opportunities to complete a research project are available to SPC students. Additionally, student researchers are invited to present their research projects at SPC’s Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium each fall semester.


Contact information for our Institutional Effectiveness Team;

  • Jennifer McBride
  • Amy Eggers
  • D’ariel Barnard
  • Robert Mohr